Today was a free fishing day. So Ron and I headed to the Coeur d 'Alene River. It started out to be a nice day.... BUT it turned to black clouds. We had thunder and lightning as we were getting ready...... And that was ok....Had a ball... Lots of bits.... just only landed 3 fish..... They were biting and jumping out of the water. I'd get excited and ripe the hook right out of their mouths. Still fun... BUT before we knew it... the storm got closer........ and louder...... and then the rain came. It was time for us to leave. We got wet.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
We saw 2 moose on our way to the river... Didn't see these in Alaska!!!Ron caught the first one!
Here proof..... I caught one too.....
And this one.... it was a baby I know.... but it still counts! Not much of a fight.....
Don't you Just love my Outfit!! It's Pouring on us... I'm staying under the tree...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I can't believe its June 11th..... I've gone to Texas, Portland, Seattle, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, AND Alaska in the last 2 months. I'm done traveling..... for awhile. It's been Great Seeing my kids..... and Grandkids.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Jay getting up close with DuncanJust to cute!
Jay didn't mind the grass or dirt.
Jay LOVED this little broom He wasn't much help with using it.....
Having fun on the 4 wheeler with PapaWhat cute girls
Jenny and Brooklyn's new Hair cuts... so cute
The girls wanted to give Duncan a bath.... NOTE.... where the water is running off and on too!
Duncan will be glad to see the girls go home!
Jay LOVED the pool he didn't want to get out.He didn't want to share it either
Karla England stopped over to see the kids
Had to go over and see Nate and Emma
This is at the Hayden Court house...... They rededicated this when Ron and I were in Alaska, This was for my brother killed in Vietnam.
Girls help to dig the worms up... OK They hold the bucket.Mady's had LOTS of bite's... here's her FIRST Fish!
Brooklyn was kind of bored with the fishing but she caught 3...
look at the Face.... it changed when Papa threw the fish back into the lake.
Mady's second fish she caught... NOTE Brooklyn in the Back Ground. She was NOT happy with Papa... we didn't keep any of the fish they caught.
girls had fun coloring our drive wayJay and Papa
Jay got stuck behind the fan and our closet door
Brooklyn on the climbing wall
Mady made it to the top... Way to go..... She wanted to go again.!
Cute picture with the Jeppsen family in the fire truck!Brooklyn ran the course......
Waiting for Mady to come out of the boucing fire truck
Brooklyn enjoying a Hot Dog. Ron got Mady and Brooklyn one.... WHERE'S MINE?
Time to leave.... just one more picture. I LOVE this Want to BE Fire TRUCK
Jay wasn't to sure about Duncan, but Duncan liked Jay He didn't make him run after a BALL or Go for a WALK!future Golfer
Jack Loved to be hold.... by anyone......even Brooklyn! Cute hair cut too... On Brooklyn Not the cat.!
Our last night together just enjoying the back yard and fire pit
Had to make some Mores.....Girls enjoy that.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Our luggages.... Just waiting for the guys to park the car.....then on to the ship.Getting thru the lines.... and more lines and more waiting....
OK me got this far... on to the ship for the next 7 days!
Our First look at our Room.... WHAT...... bunk BED? Single Couch..? We get the BED!
saying Good bye to Seattle.... .. HELLO ALASKA!
Our first of many meals.... YUMFire drill Don't we look cool in our jacket's?
Fire boat was showing off. Bob and Ron thought they needed a nap so missed it. Good thing I got a picture!
Cathy and I were hanging out in the crow's nest
Once around the ship.... and Course found a place for a picture...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Yummy dessert strawberry cheesecake. Just Relaxing by the pool!
We took a tour of the kitchen...
HEAD Chief
Bob and Cathy on Formal night. Love Cathy's dress