Wednesday, August 15, 2012

 JET  figured out how to make the 4 wheeler go.....  HE was NOT getting off!
 Jet kept looking behind him... guess seeing where he came from.
 THEN it was OFF to the Lake.... Spent the day on the water.  Jay wanted to go skiing... UNTIL we tried to put him in the water with them....  NOPE   Not going to happen!
 Mady tried pushing Papa in.... guess who got wet?
 Jen was trying to get the girls wet....  SHE  WON!
 It was tube time....  Girls were having FUN... UNTIl...... the tube flipped...  Brooklyn went flying... she was DONE...
 Time for FOOD   all were straving...  GREAT  DAY  for a picnic!
 Course then it was play time in the water.....  Everyone went in...
 OK  trying again... BUT  Papa went  slow for them!
Time to head HOME... everyone had a GREAT  time.... LOVE the shades JET!